Many families believe choosing cremation over traditional burial limits their service options. At Marana Mortuary Cemetery, our dedicated staff can help you plan a catered reception, memorial service, or even a graveside burial when you choose cremation with us. With over 130 years of combined funeral service experience, we bring a high level of expertise and attention to detail to every cremation we plan. When you and your family choose cremation with us, we’ll help you arrange a tribute to your loved one that is both meaningful and affordable.
Personalization Options with Us
Crafting a unique service for your loved one doesn’t need to be an expensive affair. We specialize in helping families create a one-of-a-kind celebration, whether this involves a memory table full of special photos and personal items or an eco-friendly balloon release. We welcome every family to get as creative as they like when planning a memorial to their loved one. Our staff is here to help you honor your loved one’s unique life, and we want to help you craft a one-of-a-kind celebration.
Benefits of Preplanning Your Funeral
After a loved one dies, making decisions about their final arrangements can be a stressful and time-consuming process, even in the best of circumstances. Our funeral home offers families the chance to preplan their funeral and thus save themselves and their loved ones the stress of future decision-making. When you preplan your funeral or cremation with us, you can get your every preference down in writing so your family will know exactly how you’d like to be commemorated.
Contact Us
We encourage families in Casa Adobes and the surrounding area to contact us with any questions they may have about cremation, personalization, or planning a funeral with us. Call us at 520-682-9900, and a friendly staff member will provide more information about our many service options. We are here 24/7 and ready to serve you and your family.