Robert James Christensen
December 1, 1937 – April 28, 2024
Robert James Christensen, age 86, of SaddleBrooke, AZ, formerly of the East Bay Area of California, passed away on Sunday, April 28, 2024.
In his youth, family and friends affectionately knew him as “Jim” or “Bobby Jim”, but he preferred “Bob” in his adult years.
Bob was born on December 1, 1937, to Louis and Dora (Thompson) Christensen in Cheyenne, WY, and graduated from Pleasant Hill High School in California in 1955. After high school, Bob served his country in the United States Armed Forces Branch of the Army, 101st Airborne Division, from May 1956 – August 1959.
During his lifetime he lived in Cheyenne, WY; Denver, CO; Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, and Concord, CA; Phoenix and Tucson, AZ. He had career experiences as a police officer, insurance agent, and real estate broker. In 1987, he met the love of his life, Karen Morris. They married in 1992 in Concord, CA, and retired to SaddleBrooke, AZ in 2001.
Bob’s favorite hobby was playing golf and he played until his early 80’s. He loved his community of SaddleBrooke and the majestic view of the Santa Catalina mountains. He was a loyal Golden State Warriors fan – a season ticket holder in younger years and faithfully watching the season and playoffs at home. He was an avid collector of Western and Native American art.
Bob’s life will live on in the loving memory of his stepchildren, Jill Johnson (Todd), Joe Morris (Jeanneth), and Dave Morris (Farah); brother Louis Christensen; sisters Tricia Friedrich, DiAne Fischer (Walt), and Margo Del Mullins; grandchildren Dylan Johnson (Lauren), Sarah Hanson (Sawyer), Heather Corson (Ben), Kyle Morris, Ryan Morris, Aaron Morris, and Nathan Morris; and numerous nephews, nieces, and cousins.
He is preceded in death by his parents, wife, stepson Dan Morris, and sister-in-law Taffy Christensen.
Special thanks to the VA Home Based Primary Care and Banner Alzheimer’s Institute for your compassionate care. Gratitude to extended family for your acts of kindness to Bob after Karen passed. Many thanks to SaddleBrooke Senior Village volunteers for helping with household tasks and errands and the kindness of neighbors who made it possible for Bob to continue to live independently. Deepest gratitude to his caregiver, Paula Veevers, and to close friends and golf buddies, Phil Cummings, Mike Christiansen, and Gary Walter for rides to doctors’ offices, grocery shopping runs, and for being loyal friends over the years. Our family is deeply indebted to you all.
A celebration of life will be held at a later date, where family and friends will come together to honor his memory and share stories.
Bob will be missed and forever in our hearts.
Our sincere condolences.
The staff of Marana Mortuary & Cemetery.
Bobby Jim when we were growing up (he was 10 years older) . He was named after both of our mother’s brothers …Robert and James Thompson (who was killed one month before the end of WW II.) Then he shortened his name to Jim, then took on Bob. Either way, he was a successful insurance agent and real estate agent. My father, Reuben, and both brothers would golf together on weekends and that expanded to include uncles. They were good golfers. Jim would practice every day at his lunchtime with a different club so he could get good at each one, each distance. As kids, my 2 sisters and I would sit on their laps as the “men” played poker after holiday and birthday dinners . That’s how we learned to play poker too! We had wonderful big family dinners then. Jim was generous with his skills and was encouraging to me when I was learning to golf. He was very helpful in teaching Karen also. He gave me Karen’s clubs after she passed and I’m still waiting for the holes in one that she achieved. I call on her sweet spirit when I play. He called on her spirit when he golfed too. He loved to be dressed so handsomely. And both my brothers had great humor…and were quite competitive with each other. He loved western art and reading and jazz . What a collection of CDs he had. His illnesses overtook him after Karen died. I miss them both. And believe they are having some interesting chats now.
Bob's father, Lucien, and our mother Rose are brother and sister. Mom had lots of contact with Bobby Jim and Lou when they were younger in Wyoming. She was 20 years old when Bob was born and enjoyed a great closeness with them. As a family, we had many visits from Uncle Lucien as children to our home in Westchester, CA. We heard the loving stories about Lou and Bobby Jim from Uncle Lucien. He was so proud of his successful sons. When my sister Janice married, Lou and Taffy and Bob and Karen come to Beverly Hills to attend the wedding. It was so wonderful to get to know our cousins so much better. They were both handsome couples! Janice and her husband Joe, bought a house in Tucson and discovered Lou and Taffy and Bob lived not too far away. She re-connected with them and so enjoyed her visits at Lou's home and going out to lunch. When I came to visit Janice, a lunch was set up for us to get together with our cousins. It was wonderful. Bob was talkative and funny! He was so kind and loving to both of us. We didn't want the day to end. We continued with phone visits and continued to feel close. We love you Bob and are so happy that you and Karen are together once again! I am sure our mother Rose and your dad, Lucien, are rejoicing with you as well! We are glad that families are forever!
I called him, Uncle Jim. He was an exceptional human being. He was kind, smart, humorous, and was a gentle soul. He was well dressed, articulate, very dapper. He dressed well and took care of himself. He loved art, especially western and Native American art. He also loved Cadillacs and other American classic cars like my husband, John. In his later years he enjoyed receiving music CDs from John’s band. He loved his wife Karen, who passed before him. It was so sad when that happened. It was hard for him to be alone in the house that they loved. He loved to hike and golf (and run in his younger years). I remember him as a policeman, and a successful real estate agent. He had a big white samoyed dog named Sam with he and his wife Toni. He lived in a sprawling huge beautiful home on a mountain ridge near Danville,CA in the 80s with wife Rhoda. I remember the merry-go-round horses they collected and had in almost every room. I remember his Walnut Creek home with Karen that was so cozy with all his cowboy and Indian art. He and Karen worked in real estate together before they moved to Tucson to retire. He had a good life and he loved his family. He suffered from Alzheimer’s and that was the sad part. I love you, Uncle Jim/Bob - until we meet again, fly free.
I am lucky to have visited with my brother, Bobby Jim, before he passed away. He recognized me and gave me that sweet smile the day before he passed. When I was little and he was in high school he and his friends would grab my arms and twirl me around like I was an airplane. I love my brother and will miss him. I'm glad he is at peace now.
So very sorry Jill and Family. Hoping beautiful memories bring you peace and comfort. Love you. Jeannie LaGrone Campbell
Bob was a wonderful man always kind and respectful to everyone he Loved. I am most grateful to him for taking such wonderful care of my Mom Karen and Loving her unconditionally. He made her very happy as she did the same for him. They were a wonderful couple. He always went out of his way to treat my family with Love and affection which meant a lot to my wife Gemma and his Grandson Kyle. He will be dearly missed by us all. May you Rest in Peace Bob joined once again in Heaven with Karen the Love of your life as you always said 💝
I first met Bob and Karen while playing a round on the golf course here in SaddleBrooke. Karen worked in the Pro Shop, so I would see her there as well. Karen was always very friendly while making tee times, etc with her there. Bob and I started playing golf together quickly, and since we had the same Danish last names, he used to say "Brothers with different Mothers". Later Gary Walter was added to our group, and I remember Bob could get us laughing so hard about different episodes he encountered during the day, especially one about trying to buy a new mattress one day. You can tell a lot about a person on the golf course. Once, after he hit a really bad shot, like way out of bounds, instead of getting mad about it, and caring on about it like a lot of us do, he instead said "Great shot Mike" after I then hit a better one right after. I told him right then that not many people could do that. That is just a couple of the small things you tend to remember about your friends. Miss you, Bob.
I'll never forget our $50 pancake breakfast at a local restaurant in Catalina and how you teased the waitress that she should at least "look ashamed" for bringing us such a big bill. That was a fun morning!
You were a wonderful dad and grandpa. You were loving, kind, and always encouraged each of us. You were incredibly proud of your grandkids, bragging about them to anyone who would listen. I have wonderful memories that will help mend my heart. You are now reunited with your sweetheart and our dear mom/grandma.
Marana Mortuary & Cemetery
Our sincere condolences.
The staff of Marana Mortuary & Cemetery.